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What We Offer

Applied Behavior Analysis, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology


Our Services: Service

Applied Behavior Analysis

Problem Behavior Management  

reducing negative behaviors while teaching alternative behaviors 

Verbal Behavior  

language skills including functional communication

Augmentative and Alternative Communication

low-tech and communication App training

Skill Acquisition Program 

incorporating the science of behavior to teach new skills, integrating natural environment training and discrete trial training

Caregiver Training and Support 

incorporating training to facilitate carryover and generalization

Holding Hands

Occupational Therapy

​​Feeding Issues

intervention to expand food repertoires and increase food intake

Beckman Oral-Motor Therapy

​addresses oral-motor issues that limit oral eating by improving oral-motor muscular patterns and movement

Therapeutic Listening®

a research based auditory tool developed by Vital Links supporting adaptive responses and reducing auditory sensitivity


​a visual-motor-language based exercise program to support multitasking facilitating learning 

Vestibular Rehabilitation

vestibular-based and ocular-motor exercises to support balance, coordination, and attention

​Sensory Diets

individualized set of exercises and activities to help with self-regulation

Functional Thinking Skills

memory, problem solving, and reasoning skills

Kinesio Taping®

​a scientifically researched tape that mimics the properties of the skin to offer muscular support, re-educate the neuromuscular system, and promote healing

Handwriting Without Tears®

​a structured format to teach handwriting

Happy Kids Huddle

Educational Psychology

  • Curriculum Development

  • Classroom Assessment and Management

  • ​Educational Interventions and Recommendations

  • Instructional Design


Parents and schools may contact us for more information in helping create an optimal learning environment.

Raising Hands
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